
We help companies to identify what makes them unique and communicate this to their people, customers and partners.

We believe that to create compelling communication takes three stages − think, engage and inspire.

It is a journey to simplicity, often starting with a mass of information and distilling it into compelling messages.

It is not always easy to identify what makes your organisation unique. We help you to think through your strategy, your capabilities and your values − and express them in a way that reflects the personality of your organization.

50% of communication is listening − yet most corporate communication is pure broadcasting. Engaging any audience begins with deep understanding. We help you to think through issues from your audience's perspective and speak to their interests, concerns and aspirations.

To get the very best from your people, to turn customers and partners into advocates, you need genuine relationships. That takes more than communication; but communication is vital. We help you to inspire people by creating a vision that they can share and demonstrating that you truly value them.

  • Marketing strategies
  • Customer 'pain' maps
  • Sales process maps
  • Campaign ideas
  • Thought leadership
  • Brochures
  • Websites
  • Case studies
  • Sales presentations
  • Proposals
  • Magazines / E-zines
  • Keynote speeches
  • Blogs
  • Incentive programmes
  • Writing skills
  • Presentation skills